Root application hair color

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  • 3 Rework FG Root Rescue Root Rescue by L’Oréal Paris
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  • L’Oréal Paris Magic Root Cover Up
  • There is a bit of a learning curve to make sure you spray the correct distance for the best dispersion of the product. I went a bit too close in some areas and I could see dark spots on my scalp.

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    About the cost of a box of drugstore haircolor; but will last much longer. My greys are worst over my ears and along the hairline of my forehead. I ended up with a brown ear and forehead in order to cover the greys at the hairlines. I tested it after applying and the next day and came away with brown fingers both times. The product takes away any natural shine in your hair and looked a bit like flat brown paint.

    It was pretty obvious to see the treated area from my normal hair. When I tried to run my fingers through the area I treated, it was somewhat matted and not easy. Overall I think this is an affordable option that will work if you aren't able to touch up your roots with hair dye. It's not something I'll use regularly, but I will keep it in the cabinet for those days before coloring. Does what it claims! Overall, I think the product does exactly what it claims to do On the positive side, it was both easy to apply and will be a great go to for quick touch ups.

    It did have a couple of things I wasn't entirely crazy. It was very similar to the Halloween style color sprays in that it feels a little heavy on hair and made the texture of my hair very course and stiff. This wasn't a problem for the roots on top of my head where it acted almost like a dry shampoo, but along my temple area it felt kind of yucky. I feel this is best used occasionally or when you know you'll be in photos, daily use or when it was in my hair on hot summer days wasn't quite as successful.

    Note about my photo: I have red hair in the strawberry blonde family, so I picked blonde cover up, because I was afraid the red product might actually be too red. Also due to the light color of my hair it is more difficult to see the roots and grays in a photo then in person, so the product made a greater difference then what you can tell from the before and after photos. Light-to-medium blonde is platinum; dark blonde is closer to a medium brown both pictured.

    3 Rework FG Root Rescue Root Rescue by L’Oréal Paris

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    It is always difficult to match a natural color, but this product works well. It is ever so slightly darker than my natural color, but I find if I brush it right after spraying it, it naturally fades into my color. Although I color my gray, it comes back quickly.

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    This is a great easy and fast fix to cover gray. I use it mainly when I want to put my hair in a ponytail. I do cover my face to make sure there isn't any over-spray on my face. Another hint is do not try and spray it too close. I tried that because my gray is only in a small area up front. It doesn't go well, I had to go wash my hair. I received this for free from L'Oreal through BzzAgent for testing purposes. I color my hair every 8 weeks mostly to cover up the regrowth of grays. That last week or so before my next appointment can be pretty scary if I have something I want to look nice for.

    I was excited to give this a try.

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    There is a bit of a learning curve to make sure you spray the correct distance for the best dispersion of the product. I went a bit too close in some areas and I could see dark spots on my scalp.

    How to do a root retouch // How to color regrowth

    About the cost of a box of drugstore haircolor; but will last much longer. My greys are worst over my ears and along the hairline of my forehead.

    L’Oréal Paris Magic Root Cover Up

    Got rid of the grey hair around the hair line. The product was quick and easy to apply. The product totally covered all of my grey hair weather my hair was up or down. The product took a while to dry But it washed out easily the next day! The colour matched my hair colour perfectly. It was easy to use and dried right away.

    It is a great time saver when you're in a hurry as I didn't have time to fully colour my hair. When I received my L'oreal Paris magic root cover up I was hesitant to use it as I didn't think it would blend in with my hair color as there are so many different shades of brown. But, I was impressed! It Blended in with my hair color very nicely and and stayed in without getting combed out.

    I love this product!

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